Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tia has been funny these last few weeks...begging for a baby sister! I keep telling her that we just have to wait and see if they will bring us one. Everything she opened up for Christmas, she informed me that she will share "it" with her baby sister. She has turned into the prayer police and reminds us every meal to say the prayer and then at night she likes to come upstairs with me to put the boys to bed and "say prayers." I was putting the boys to bed last night with a little parrot at my side. "Okay boys, do not get out of bed!" "Ya boys, do not get out of bed or you will get in lots and lots of you understand?" I am constantly reminding her that I am the mom." "Ya, you are the mom!" She doesn't quite get it!

It amazes me how normal my kids have turned out with all they have gone through. A couple of weeks ago I caught Tia carrying around a piece of paper that her birth mom had given her at her last visit. It had her name drawn on it and a picture of her when she was a baby sitting on her birth moms lap. I had intended to put it away for her so she could have it when she was older. I took it from her and told her that I was going to put it somewhere safe for her. She handed it over and pranced up the stairs. I didn't get very much of a reaction so I thought with the subject already up, I should talk to her about how she is feeling. I went upstairs and asked her if she knew why she couldn't see or live with her mommy Karen. She replied with a "yes, because she is sick." I then noticed her get a little teary eyed. I told her it was okay to cry, she then replied, "Nobody can take me away from here right." "NO NO, of course not, you are going to live here with mom and dad and all your brothers and be our little girl forever." "Forever and EVER." "Yes, forever and ever." She dried up gave me a hug and went off to play! Sometimes I wonder if her being so obedient and such a pleaser, has anything to do with her thinking we will send her away. If she only knew how hard we fought to keep her and Mac! Of course, all we could do is pray, because as a Foster Parent, we really don't have a say!


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