Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mason came up to me and was blabbering....okay not that unusual for him, but I couldn't understand the 50% that I usually can. "What are you taking about Mason?" "I speaky Spanish...adda sudda adda lato tedo." Either the Spanish is coming out in his blood or he has some Spanish speaking amigos at school! He is sitting by my while I type laying on my arm. He is always so happy and sweet and loves everyone. A couple of days ago we were running late into school. I have to sign in Dexter and Tia, so we all walk in together. Because of our late arrival the halls were filled with Teachers and kids. As I was taking jackets off of my little preschoolers, I hear, "Hey Mason...Hi Mason...How ya doing Mason" several times. He replied to all the his greetings. I was very surprised that all these teachers and kids knew Mason. I told David how well known Mason is at School. That night we bundled up the kids and went to Wal-Mart to play in the toys! Mason was walking past everyone asking their names. "Hey what yo name?" "My name is Bob. What is your name?" "My name Mason Bryce." David looked at me and we figured that is how so many people know his name!


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