Thursday, March 31, 2011

When my mom was in town for the week she brought a huge suitcase of dinosaurs! One day when all the kids were out of the house she went around to the back yard and hit them throughout the yard! The kids came home, but she wasn't home yet! They kept bringing in the dinosaurs to David and he had not a clue where they were getting them! When my mom got home the kids burst into "Grandma we have dinosaurs all over in our back yard!" My mom said, "oh my who do you think could have put them there?" Tia said, "It was probably the Easter Bunny!" My mom just laughed and admitted it was her!

It has been over a week and the kids are still bringing in dinosaurs! Tia said, "Grandma is so magical that she could hide all those Dinosaurs!" Sure miss you Grandma!


Blogger Kathy and Tommy said...

i love it when I am majical. There were a LOT of diansaures. I bought out My Little Thrift Store. It was more fun than being the Easter Bunny.

April 2, 2011 at 2:19 PM  

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