Monday, September 6, 2010

David was painting some picture frames black when Toby runs by, lifts his shirt up and said, "Hey dad you painting those black like my tummy!" and proceeds to rub his belly!
We were at the Air Museum in Dayton Ohio, and just as we were about to enter the plane exhibit I stopped at the desk to have a very very very old man explain all the rules to the kids. Joey gets kinda close and says, "You gonna die and be like Mr. Bones?" I thought I was going to pee my pants! The old man didn't understand what he said, so I repeated it and then explained that Mr. Bones is our Skeleton at home. He had a good laugh and said, "I guess I'll have to add that to my book!" Sure glad for his sense of humor!
I was telling the boys to lay down and take a nap, just as I was closing the door Dexter said, "Good night Snookums!" I am not exactly sure where he got snookums from?
David handed Dexter a piece of garbage to put in his pocket. Dexter replied with, "Dad my pockets aren't for garbage they are for toys, duh."
We were on the Ferry Boat and Toby was acting really naughty. I picked him up and asked him is he wanted me to throw him over board. Mason got really excited and said, "I dare you mom, I DARE YOU!"
Toby came running into my room, slammed the door behind him and locked it just as fast as he could. I soon hear Dexter banging on the door. "Toby, let your brother in." In almost a screech he said, "BUT I DON'T LIKE HIM!" Brotherly love!