The fight is over. David and I have been going back and forth about space heaters in the boys' room. My idea (the better one) was to put warm jammies on them and several blankets. And I am sure you can imagine the not so good idea of David's. "Allison, they will kick their covers off." "David, they will learn to put them back on." The boys room does get kinda chilly at night. But, I have heard that so many houses start fire from space heaters. We even bought the ones that turn off when they get tipped. Guess what, they don't turn off, I tested them. It has been a constant fight for about a month. Me winning with "Fine, turn the space heaters on and if our house catches fire and we lose our kids, I will never forgive you." Okay, so I know it was a little harsh, but I really felt strongly about it. We had one really cold night a couple of weeks ago, and the conversation started again. David said he was going to just run it for a little while to take the chill off the room. "I don't think the kids will mess with it, they are all asleep except for Dexter and he is laying in his bed. I don't think it will be a problem." I rolled my eyes with a "Whatever." About 15 minutes I hear some kicking on the wall and asked David to go check on everything up there. David found Dexter hugging the heater under the blanket. He had gotten up out of bed unplugged the heater and took it over to his bed, put it under the blankets with him and plugged it in. We got lucky and it popped the breaker and stopped running. There was no need for an "I told you so." The fight was over and has not come up since.....Oh, and I won! :)
How scary but so funny that he had it with him under the covers! He must have been really cold! :)
Congrats on winning...I guess?
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